This integration selects new Google Calendar events and imports them to Zoho Desk.

Note: It does not import pre-existing Google Calendar events to Zoho Desk.

How to Set Up

  1. Select or create connections: G Suite connection for Source and Zoho Desk connection for Target.
  2. Provide the necessary information for integration execution:
    1. Open the import task

    2. On the Source Definition of your import task, in filters, specify the name of the Google Calendar to get events from instead of Enter your Calendar name....

    3. On the Mapping Definition of your import task, for the DepartmentID field, specify the name of the department to associate with the event instead of Enter Department name....

    4. For the ContactID field, specify the last and first name of the contact to associate with the event instead of Enter Last Name of the contact associated with the event... and Enter First Name of the contact associated with the event... respectively.

      Important note: If one field (Last Name or First Name) is enough to uniquely identify the necessary contact in Zoho Desk or if only one of these fields is filled in Zoho Desk, you can enter only the corresponding name and delete the lookup key for the second name.

    5. Save the task.

  3. Specify the schedule, on which the integration will run automatically.


  • If you need to create Zoho Desk events only for specific new Google Calendar events, you can add more filter conditions for the source subscribers.
  • You can also add more similar filters with different Calendar names and use OR operator to import Google Calendar events from multiple Calendars. You can also remove filters if you want to import Google Calendar events from all your Google Calendars